First loaf

Baker’s percentages

  • 100% flour (80% bread, 20% AP)
  • 77.5% water
  • 20% starter
  • 2% salt

Actual measurements

  • 480g bread flour, 120g AP flour
  • 465g water
  • 120g starter
  • 12g salt


A Beautiful Plate



Second loaf

Baker’s percentages

Same baker’s percentages but didn’t have enough bread flour so used some rye.

Actual measurements

  • 450g bread flour, 150g rye flour, 150 AP flour
  • 580g water
  • 150g starter
  • 15g salt
  • 1 heaping tsp active yeast


Same as above, but added yeast to starter because it wasn’t as active as last time.


Way overproofed during overnight retardation, and didn’t get as thick and crunchy a crust. Was a bit more tangy (in a good way) and denser which rye flour can do both of.